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Why I became an iPEC Certified Professional Coach...
and  a Certified Professional Life Activation Practitioner


 I enjoyed a twenty-five year career working in local and state government in the fields of economic development and community development.  The last thirteen were in an executive leadership capacity.  I learned that in addition to my passion for economic development, I excelled at leading and serving individuals, creating and empowering collaborative teams and departments, mentoring and valuing individual employees that exemplify the adopted core values of an organization.  While being a successful servant leader,  I knew  I was highly empathic and introverted, and over time, I realized I needed to lead in an another way.  Additionally, I was brought to my knees with multiple health issues.  It was clear I needed to serve in a different capacity, that another change was coming.


In my personal life, I have mentored women with substance addiction for over twenty-six years helping them live a sober life.  In finding sobriety, these women learn to make good decisions, find confidence, understand integrity, and become wonderful mothers, wives, and workers again.  It has taught me about humility and gratitude.


My life could be characterized as being in a constant state of change with multiple transitions, difficulties, and loss.  I chose to approach my life's circumstances as all opportunities for growth and learning, as an incredible spiritual journey, finding love, joy and peace.  I have been given grace to witness so many miracles through it all.  My spiritual path and higher consciousness has led me up and out to arrive at my truth: I need to honor my body, my soul, my spirit, and help others on this journey. 


Who am I?  I am a leader, a coach, a team builder, a strategic thinking, a spiritual teacher, an intuitive empath, an amazing wife and mother of three children, two huge dogs,  and three bunnies.  I am now embarking on my true path to inspire, encourage, heal and bring awareness and light through using these two new devotions.  I am honoring my powers now and shifting to help those who want what I have to offer.  Core Energy Coaching is an amazing transformative process.  If coupled with Life Activation, it is explosive and life changing.  It happened to me.

  I get to do this.  How beautiful is that?  

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